Saturday, August 6, 2011

How this Nigerian scam you to get your money.

He is using somebody name in Total SA like CFO, Patrick De La Chevadiere to convince you that he is the true person. He said he would like to use wife name with passport Jacquiline Chevadiere working with United Nation based in Haiti.
He will uses many kind of approaches to say that he is real person.

He said he got the allocation from Perenco Petroleum Ltd based in London and using Express Logistic as allocation holder but all this was just a scam.

He also said had connection with Saudi Aramco personnel in-charge on marketing. I will show you at below emails.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Patrick de la Chevardière
Date: 2011/3/21
Subject: Hello

Dear sir

How are you sir,
Please send me email to my personal email address at .
i will be back soon to France currently am in African to monitor our
projects over Total Exploration & Production Review and Audits Departments
all over African .


Patrick de la Chevardière
Chief Financial Officer & Management Trading Officer

La Défense,
62 place de la Coupole
92400 Courbevoie

Phone: +33 (0)1 47 44 45 46
Fax: +33 (0)1 47 44 78 78


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Subject: Contract
Date: Tuesday, 15 March, 2011 11:08AM

Dear Mr. Patrick,
I Sincerely apologize for not responding to your email and telephone calls yesterday . However, due to sudden death of a family member in Bahrain, I must fly their to deal with this family issue. I just came back now.
Patrick as I told in Vienna in our last OPEC meeting we can do side allocation contract only through reassignment because I know the company you will nominate has not done any contract with Saudi aramco before ,
I have a UK company that trade with us and they have many contract with us both in upstream midstream and downstream, tomorrow will discuss with the company CEO about one of their Petroleum product allocation of 50,000MT Automotive Gas Oil (AGO) per a month for one year contract and 55,000MT LOW POUR FUEL OIL (LPO) I will attach the copies for you. once he agree with me immediately I will inform you to forward me the company name for the reassignment on that company ,s name with next lay can date. All prices will be in fix Domestic price formula on a free-on-board (FOB) basis, I will get back to you by tomorrow.
Second option will be on Bilateral Agreement I have discussed with Lebanon Ministry of foreign Affairs, on the company you will nominate to be As their mandate Representatives under the Bilateral Agreement Between Saudi Arabian Government and Lebanon Government on the Petroleum product relation . All prices will be in fix Domestic price formula on a free-on-board (FOB) basis.


SVP, Downstream Operations
Headquarters: Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Address: Saudi Aramco
P.O. Box 5000
Dhahran 31311
Saudi Arabia
Telephone: 966-3 872-0115
Fax: 966-3 873-8190
Telex: 801220 A SAO SJ


from patrick dech
date Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 11:16 PM
subject oil trading
hide details Mar 21
Thanks for the call last time.

Thanks very much. like as we discussed with you on the phone my intention is trading internationally in downstream sector of oil and gas, as you know my position in TOTAL SA I can not handle any business aside my office, but please understand what I want to do with you and your company.

I have a personal relation with one the top officers in Saudi Armco which is Saudi Arabian oil company and I have discuss with him he promise to assist now on oil allocation but I need a company that I will work and use for the allocation if you agree with me on this we can fix up a meeting between you and I to discuss how operation will be but for now we can start trading maybe after first cargo we can set an trading office that you will be in charge for trading transactions .

XXXXXX, the only thing is how ready are you and am ready to share 50-50 with you.

once everything is ready I will arrange a contract with your company that we are going use for oil trading with Total SA France for long time contract for Total project in offshore Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. at lest we Total consumption of about 50,000mt of low pour fuel oil in a month for our offshore cementing. Also we can sign contract with DHL Global Forwarding and Halliburton oil services company USA.

If you ok with this you can ask your lawyer to prepare a MOU between the you and my wife as working agreement for this contract.

Please advice

Patrick de la Chevardière


  1. This looser just tried to do the same thing to me too.You are absolutly right. Just be careful!

    1. Lucky that you did the search at google and I did provide these informations to all peoples in the business world. I loss money to this scammer and I do not want anyone become his victim again.

  2. He is a fraud. A very good scam artist. One of the things he does is tells you you must pay for storage with "Brown Kenneth" a company that doesn't exist. The cost $105,000 which of course is split 50/50. $52,500 each to Bank of China. He must be stopped and put in jail.

  3. Just look what you are vomiting from your gutter mouth. You are tagging Nigeria a scam and labelling everyone in the country a fraud because of your greed and stupidity.

    The door is open to every genuine person to do business in Nigeria. The Nigerian chamber of commerce & industry is there for you to make your Inquiry and also the foreign affairs ministry contact to connect.

    I don't pity the likes of you who like to go through the back door to steal and plunder our common wealth.

    You are only crying now because you did not succeed and what if the deal has favoured you and your criminally minded likes would have kept mute. I'm glad a number of idiots like you who are conniving with the locals to steal our crude oil and resources are serving their sentences behind bars in Nigeria.

    White wash pigs who don't see anything good about Africa but always out to plunder and loot our common resources. This was how the west unleashed their fangs and plunder our continent and took our best and skills people for slavery.

    Nigeria population is over 200 million and the evil works of less than one percent of the people is not a good reason to call everybody a scam. Mind you I'm not in anyway in support of the action of these criminals.

    There is an agency setup by the government called the Economic & Financial Crime Commission(EFCC), solely to fight this crime. Over the years it has helped a lot of foreigners and individuals recovered their stolen money and other valuables & equally compensated in full. Google EFCC and you will learn more and if you have a case to report you can lodge your complaint with proofs.

    On a last note, let's be guided and stop the stereotyping.
